ISSN: 0037-3796
日本神経化学会 The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry
Bulletin of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry 61(2): 105-110 (2022)


幼少期逆境体験による前頭前野–視床室傍核回路への影響と社会性行動への関与A prefrontal–paraventricular thalamus circuit requires juvenile social experience to regulate adult sociability

奈良県立医科大学 精神医学講座Department of Psychiatry, Nara Medical University School of Medicine

発行日:2022年12月30日Published: December 30, 2022


Juvenile social isolation reduces sociability in adulthood, but the underlying neural circuit mechanisms are poorly understood. We found that, in male mice, 2 weeks of social isolation immediately following weaning leads to a failure to activate medial prefrontal cortex neurons projecting to the posterior paraventricular thalamus (mPFC→pPVT) during social exposure in adulthood. Chemogenetic or optogenetic suppression of mPFC→pPVT activity in adulthood was sufficient to induce sociability deficits without affecting anxiety-related behaviors or preference toward rewarding food. Juvenile isolation led to both reduced excitability of mPFC→pPVT neurons and increased inhibitory input drive from low-threshold-spiking somatostatin interneurons in adulthood, suggesting a circuit mechanism underlying sociability deficits. Chemogenetic or optogenetic stimulation of mPFC→pPVT neurons in adulthood could rescue the sociability deficits caused by juvenile isolation. Our study identifies a pair of specific medial prefrontal cortex excitatory and inhibitory neuron populations required for sociability that are profoundly affected by juvenile social experience.

Key words: sociability; social isolation; medial prefrontal cortex; posterior paraventricular nucleus thalamus; low-threshold-spiking somatostatin

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